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Personal and Spiritual Development (3)
creativity, innovation, ministry (2)
preaching (1)
public speaking (1)
Christianity (1)
Church Leadership (1)
David McDonald
Rev. Dr. David McDonald
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Becoming A Master Innovator: individual coaching sessions with Rev. Dr. David McDonald
Rev. Dr. David McDonald
Digital Downloads
Somatic Touch (Holy Alive: issue 02)
1 File
TOUCH IS INSEPARABLE FROM LIFE ITSELF Christ’s most potent encounters were bodily—a kiss, a wash, a spit, a wound, a tear… Why? Because God heals through touch. Touch is central to who we are. This is why a child, deprived of physical affection, cannot properly develop. Babies need to be held. Adults need to be embraced. We were made for contact with one another. This issue of Holy Alive deals with the healing power of touch, supplying reflections upon how to minister to others.
David McDonald
The Human Temple (Holy Alive: issue 03)
1 File
What *does it mean for your body to be the temple of the Holy Spirit? For starters, it means you are the only temple in which God wants to be worshipped. God lives in you and delights in your body. Is that all? Far from it...let's dive deeply into the scripture to learn more about who we are and why we're here.
David McDonald
Tenets of Somatic Spirituality (Holy Alive: issue 01)
1 File
Our bodies are how we manifest love in the world. They are God’s gift to us. Why is this so important? Because we’re surrounded by messages that tell us our bodies are bad, or that looking after our bodies is somehow shallow or vainglorious, when nothing could be further from the truth! Our physicality is not a departure from our spirituality; rather, our bodies are an essential component in honoring more inside concerning Christian spirituality and the glory of the human body
David McDonald
Appreciation & Appraisal of Your Body (Holy Alive: issue 00)
1 File
THIS IS *THE TOOL* FOR EVALUATING THE SPIRITUAL USE OF YOUR BODY Rather than trying to fit into the Culture or conform to the restrictive demands of conservative religion, this PDF will take you through a biblically substantive matrix designed to help you have a healthy relationship with your body. With God’s help. For God’s glory.
David McDonald
Breath (Holy Alive: issue 04)
1 File
Scripture is clear: it takes the divine to be human. God’s own breath brings human beings to life, and the more we oxygenate ourselves with God’s Spirit, the more wholly alive we become. That's why this issue concerns ceaseless prayer, spiritual breathing, and practicing the presence of God.
David McDonald
Using Fear to Fuel your Dreams
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How to transform worry, anxiety, and uncertainty into courage, action, and love.
Rev. Dr. David McDonald
Multiply Your Productivity In One Hour
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How to do more, with fun, and enjoy it immeasurably
Rev. Dr. David McDonald
Creativity, Innovation, and Change
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Six Innovations For Local Church Ministry
Rev. Dr. David McDonald
How to Preach the Hell out of a Sermon
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effectively discipling intellectuals, creatives, spiritual seekers, and those altogether burned out on Church
Rev. Dr. David McDonald
Church Leadership, Resurgence, and Design - I
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This is the first of five micro-certifications in Church Leadership, Resurgence, and Design. This course covers the "Building Plan" for growing a great church, which includes: mission, vision, values, target, and polity.
Rev. Dr. David McDonald
Holy Alive: the first five issues
Christian spirituality and the Glory of the Human Body
Digital Downloads: 5